B2 DB Saveable
Mon Feb 14 09:52 System-generated article


The B2DBSaveable class is the parent class that all saveable objects handled by B2DB inherits from. It implements an active record pattern for accessing your data objects, and provides several convenience functions for accessing, modifying and updating data in your objects and persist them back to the database.

Typical usage  

An example User class with a related Group that extends B2DBSaveable is typically used the following way:

    $group = new Group();
    $group->setName('Power users');
    // Save a group in the database

    $user = new User();

    echo $user->getId();
    // will echo "", since the object isn't saved yet
    echo $user->getUsername();
    // will echo "administrator", as set earlier

    // Save the user object to your database
    echo $user->getId();
    // echoes 1
    // Now that the object is saved, it has the id set

    $user2 = new User(1);
    echo $user2->getUsername();
    // will echo "administrator", the username saved earlier
    echo $user2->getGroup()->getName();
    // will echo "Power users", the group name saved earlier

    // This will update the record in the database with id 1

    // This will remove the record from the database

Object properties  

Object property names (for the B2DB accessible properties) in the saveable class should be based on the information in the corresponding table class. All columns defined in the table class are expected to match up to a property with the same name prefixed with an underscore, like this:
// in the table class
 const COLUMN = 'mytablename.mycolumnname';

 // matching object property
 protected $_mycolumnname;
(For more information about how to setup your table classes, see the table class documentation)

When a record is retrieved from the database, all columns from the database will populate the corresponding object properties of the instantiated object before it is passed on to the calling code. The same goes for objects that are saved (via save()) - all properties matching columns will be read and saved.

Populating object properties  

When an object is populated with the values from the database, it will overwrite any default values specified for that property before it is passed on to the calling code. This way you can ensure that your object is properly loaded and populated before you start using it. The only exception here is foreign objects, which may not always be completely loaded, depending on where in the object hierarchy the object was populated. B2DB has an accessor method to get around this limitation, which you can read more about in the "Populating object properties based on foreign keys" section.

Populating object properties based on foreign keys  

When a column in the table class is defined as a foreign key to a record in a different table, B2DB will automatically join the information from that table based on the criterias set up in the table class' foreign key definition. If the value referencing a foreign key is set to something different than null, B2DB will instantiate the foreign object. This is done via phpdoc annotations in the parent instantiated objects property.

The property in your parent class should be annotated with an @Class annotation to tell B2DB which class to instantiate: example User.php class:

    class User extends B2DBSaveable

        protected $_id;

        protected $_username;

         * @Class Group
        protected $_group;

In the example above, the $_group property will be populated with an instantiated Group object based on the information in the group column.

Retrieving instantiated foreign objects  

To avoid invasive SQL queries, B2DB only populates the first level of foreign objects. In the example above, if the Group object populated in the $_group property had its own foreign object, it would not be instantiated, only populated with the foreign key value. Since you cannot always know whether the object has been instantiated or only partially loaded (with values), B2DB has an accessor method available in any objects extending B2DBSaveable, that you should use to retrieve properties pointing to foreign records:

This function will preload the object for you if it's not already available, so you won't have to worry about it. Here's an example of how to use this function to retrieve the group object from the User class shown above:

    class User extends B2DBSaveable

        protected $_id;

        protected $_username;

         * @Class Group
        protected $_group;

        public function getGroup()
            return $this->_getPopulatedObjectFromProperty('_group');

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